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What may Bowen help

pain relief, Bowen therapy, astham, stress, injuries, trauma
Bowen may help with a wide range of conditions both acute and chronic.  All types of muscular, skeletal and joint problems may be addressed as well as digestion, circulation, menstrual, hormonal and emotional issues to name but a few, eg
  • back pain                                      
  • sciatica
  • frozen shoulder
  • rotator cuff issues
  • arthritis & general inflammation
  • scoliosis
  • IBS
  • fertility issues 
Bowen is excellent as a relaxant relieving stress, promoting sleep and bringing balance to the whole body, all of which allows the return to a better state of wellbeing.
Other conditions that may benefit includes
  • injuries inc sports injuries​​
  • accidents & trauma
  • plantar fasciitis
  • pre & post operative care
  • scar tissue release  (read more)
  • whiplash 
  • tennis or golfers elbow
  • RSI, Dupuytrens and carpal tunnel
  • asthma and eczema
  • hay fever, allergies and intolerances
  • headache and migraine
  • fatigue, low energy & vitality
  • lymphatic drainage & oedema
  • depression
  • anxiety & panic attacks
  • bed wetting
  • and in fact most physical and emotional problems
Auto-immune diseases, MS, fibromyalgia, ME, lupus and other long term chronic conditions may benefit both from initial treatment sessions plus ongoing maintenance. This allows the body to stay in balance, recover quicker from acute episodes and improves management of symptoms. 
Please Note:  Bowen is not a substitute for medical advice and you should consult your doctor as necessary.

Bowen may be particularly beneficial in pregnancy, post first trimester, to relieve back/pelvis/sacral pain, where it can be offered as and when needed in just a few minutes.  


It may offer help both pre-birth for balance and relaxation, and post birth to realign the pelvis.


Baby Bowen can be offered for colic, sleeplessness and other conditions and is suitable for all children under 16yrs - we just call it baby bowen for some reason!



Bowen may also help with infertility, please call to discuss the details of a treatment programme.

Bowen Technique in pregnancy
Pregnancy & Baby Bowen

The sooner an injury is seen, the greater the chance of a rapid recovery reducing the risk of long term damage or weakness. This goes for both sports injuries, accidents, strains, sprains, falls and other traumas.  Fast treatment ensures the body does not have time to set up compensatory shifts in walking, sitting or lying which in turn may cause referred pain or restriction.


Examples of conditions that may be helped include injury to:


  • tendons, ligaments or cartilages 

  • muscles & joints

  • strains, sprains, tackles and falls


Bowen can be combined with physio to speed up recovery ensuring your quicker return to those sports you love.


While working with clients I have visibly seen inflammation around an injury site reduce to localise at a very specific area, honing in to an exact traumatised spot, which is often very hot to the touch.  


This ability of the body to respond so swiftly to muscle and nerve stimuli from gentle specific moves is what makes Bowen unique in accelerated healing.

Bowen Technique for sports injuries
Injuries & Sports Injuries

Yes prevention really is better than cure, so in this world of busy lives we owe it to ourselves to look after ourselves. Regular treatment with Bowen ensures you keep muscles relaxed, joints supple, reduces stress on your adrenals, promotes sleep and generally helps to balance all systems which in turn aids digestion, boosts immunity and enhances wellbeing.


Does your work, home life or hobbies involve:


  • a lot of lifting or repetitive movements

  • is stressful 

  • is mainly sedentary


then Bowen, as a maintenance treatment every 4-6 weeks, can avoid issues developing that may cause you illness, time off work or prevent you doing what you enjoy in the future.


Examples of conditions that may be helped include:


  •   RSI from keyboards and texting

  •   stiffness & poor posture from sitting/slouching/driving

  •   lower back and shoulder/arm issues from heavy lifting and 

                 repetitive bending

  •   aching knees/ legs/ feet standing for long periods

  •   sciatica from driving or sitting too long in one position 



PLUS as our longevity increases it is essential to build in some wellbeing care to ensure we carry on having a full and active life for as long as we can.


Try Bowen - you may be surprised at how good it makes you feel




Bowen Technique for prevention of injury and body maintenance
Prevention & Maintenance
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