Reiki Healing

Reiki is recognised as an ancient form of energy healing. It acknowledges our human form as an electro-magnetic being living in an energetic world, where all matter no matter how dense or fine consists of the same Universal matter.
It is within this field of energy that healing can be accessed by the Reiki practitioner.
Reiki healing may restore balance and harmony to a dis-eased state, bringing calm, peace and serenity allowing the body to manage pain or discomfort more easily, or accessing full healing by tapping into the body's own original blueprint for wellness.
Sessions are performed fully clothed, sitting or lying and usually last for around 60 minutes.
As well as offering healing at a physical and mental level many people experience profound emotional shifts and/or connect to a deeper spirituality within themselves.

Magic in a bottle is how I refer to Bach flower and other vibrational essences, capturing the vibration of gifts from nature, similar to homeopathy but in a liquid form.
They work by dissolving negative limiting emotional blockages promoting the opposite positive emotional aspect to restore inner balance, harmony and clarity thereby improving over all well-being.
For example if you’re feeling uncertain, can’t make a decision then Scleranthus is the flower remedy to help you accept responsibility for whatever choice you need to make.
Or if you feel lost and unsure of which path to take in life then Wild Oat will help clear the fog so that you can see the way forward, and read the signs and opportunities presenting themselves to you.
Essences are non-invasive, non-toxic, non-addictive and very easy to take anytime anywhere either internally or externally.
They can be used singly or in a tincture containing upto 4 vibrations and can be used from new born babies to the elderly and everyone in between as well as animals and plants.
I have used Bach Flower Remedies and other vibrational essences for my own well-being and transformation for many years and continue to do so. When life is challenging or I need clairty they are the first things I reach for, I would be lost without them.
I know personally how beneficial they are at accelerating healing, changing negative or stubborn patterns and blockages while removing fear or limitation to change.
It is often fear that stops us truly following our hearts' desire.
Dr Edward Bach - in brief:
Flower remedies were discovered by Bach back in the 1920’s-30’s. As a physician he was intrigued by how his patients' different views on their presenting illness affected their recovery, with negative beliefs hindering healing. He began to divide his patients into 7 Mood Groups :
Insufficient interest in present circumstance
Over sensitive to influence and ideas
Despondency & despair
Over care for welfare of others
Believing that everything we need for our well-being is provided by nature Bach set off on a journey around the UK to literally find the remedies that would counteract these negative feelings to restore health and harmony. On finding all 38 flower remedies Bach knew his work was complete and that he could treat every emotional state that we as humans could experience. His life’s work was complete and he left his legacy for us all to benefit from.