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 CLINIC : Prestwich Bank House Studios


Back & muscular pain relief

Fed up with suffering aches or pains whether from a bad back, sciatica, shoulder or neck restriction, joint issues or any other discomfort

anywhere in your body?


Bowen may help - why not give it a go

Excited to share a new treatment for lymphatic drainage either as part of a session where appropriate or on its own

for complete system stimulation

What Bowen offers â€‹:


  •  a remedial holistic approach to health and wellness

  •  a recognised treatment for the relief of musculoskeletal issues

  • release of tissue & fascia tension which in turn may reduce pain

  • reduction in inflammation

  • re-alignment of the body to relieve postural problems 

  • help for both acute & chronic conditions

  • a trigger for your own innate response to healing

  • facilitates self-regulation, restoring homeostasis

  • a chance for your body to rebalance, restore & rejuvenate

  • and much more


Bowen Technique is a soft tissue manipulation hands-on treatment for the correction of both mechanical & neural dysfunction.  


Change is triggered through communication, by touch, with the central nervous system creating stimuli for the body to respond to.


Bowen allows for possible reduction in inflammation, pain & discomfort while increasing mobility & flexibility.


This in turn can improve sleep & reduce stress resulting in increased energy levels aiding to a return in health & wellness.


Bowen may also offer pain relief for many varied conditions, whether digestive, menstrual, respiratory, auto-immune, neurological, stress, trauma, injury & accidents etc


See more conditions that may be helped by Bowen

Closed due to  Holiday

Clinic Reopens 1st April

The nervous system holds the key


to the body's incredible


potential to heal itself


                                    Dr Jay Holder

 I consulted Denise last year with severe jaw pain.  I had 3               sessions of this deeply relaxing soothing treatment plus                   many tips from Denise about improving my precious life.               The jaw pain I had for months is gone.                 Heather

 I've had a few Bowen treatments from Denise

(for severe stress) and the results were amazing                                                                      Jane


Scar Tissue Release is possibly the most neglected of all bodywork skills.


This is because it is not generally recognised that scar tissue may cause many underlying problems, aggravating or preventing other conditions from healing as well as reducing movement and flexibility in or around the incision or trauma area/s.


In fact it is not generally known that a treatment to release scar tissue is actually available - but it is.


Scar tissue is a natural result to heal a wound following surgical intervention or trauma but did you know it may also be caused by:


  • muscle pulls or tears

  • whiplash/impact type injuries

  • adhesions

  • lifestyle habits such as repetitive strain or other work related habits


Find out more 




An Integrated Health approach combines the many aspects of wellness that I believe are important to our overall health and longevity.  Together we can build a plan for exactly what you need to restore your health in a manageable, balanced and sustainable way for life,


This might be working with one or a combination of any of the following areas, introduced into your lifestyle as and when you are ready to incorporate them:


Nutrition - restoring health through informed food choices

Naturopathy - supporting cleansing & healing

Mindfulness - a way to live more in the moment

Meditation - relaxation & connection at a deeper level

Reiki - vibrational healing medicine

Flower Remedies - to support emotional change

Bodywork - Bowen Technique & Scar Tissue Release

Lifestyle - how do you really want to live your life


                     Restoring mind, body & soul




Holistic therapy, wellbeing & healh

 Thank you for today.  It was very positive & inspiring.  It's great to feel you understand & will help & support my (health) goals.                                                Julie


Simple Smoothie

Heres a lovely simple power packed smoothie drink with a tropical taste that's good at any time of the day.


It boosts energy levels by combining protein with good fats (yes we really do need these) 



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